Polygenic phenotypic character.
Examples for "eye color "
Examples for "eye color "
1 I wondered if your eye color meant you saw the world differently.
2 Not everyone gets the same eye color or body build, for instance.
3 He and Emily had the same eye color , a dark greenish blue.
4 He'd even noted the new subtle shading of her eye color .
5 That, you know, affect eye color , or how tall you are.
1 With the skin the colour of the eyes harmonized perfectly.
2 They knew the typical action of a bird, the exact colour of the eyes .
3 But it wasn't merely the colour of the eyes .
4 As to the colour of the eyes and hair, the authorities contradict each other most thoroughly.
5 Why neither of you so much as know the colour of the eyes of the other!
1 They might be related-samecolor hair, brown, same shape and color of eyes , brown.
2 What makes the difference in the color of eyes ?
3 The dead white brings out the yellow in her complexion and the faded color of eyes and hair.
1 Will you tell us what was her height, figure, colour of eyes , hair, general appearance?
2 And Olive had something of his look-thesame ivory skin, same colour of eyes and hair!
3 The colour of eyes seems to be significant of temperament, but as regards beauty there is little or nothing to choose among colours.
4 The same hair and colour of hair, the same features, shape of head, ears and colour of eyes , the same serious expression of countenance.
5 'Son of Apatura Iris the Purple Emperor, heir to the Peacock Throne, colour of hair red, colour of eyes brown, height five feet and-
1 Does one's eye colour give my future child an advantage over others?
2 Galton believed that mental traits are inheritable, just like hair or eye colour .
3 The bright shade enlivens every eye colour , and screams bravery.
4 The clever blue ingredient whitens your natural eye colour -it's a great handbag staple.
5 I love the emerald and topaz hues as they really make your eye colour pop.
1 The dark color of the eye of the ripened seed distinguishes the variety from all others.
2 The twins differed in complexion and color of the eyes and hair.
3 The color of the eyes is a very dark brown or black.
4 Certain types of contact lenses are worn to change the color of the eyes .
5 Certain types of contact lenses are designed to change the color of the eyes .
1 The twins differed in complexion and color of the eyes and hair.
2 The color of the eyes is a very dark brown or black.
3 Certain types of contact lenses are worn to change the color of the eyes .
4 Certain types of contact lenses are designed to change the color of the eyes .
5 The general resemblance was striking except in the color of the eyes and hair.
1 With the skin the colour of the eyes harmonized perfectly.
2 They knew the typical action of a bird, the exact colour of the eyes .
3 But it wasn't merely the colour of the eyes .
4 As to the colour of the eyes and hair, the authorities contradict each other most thoroughly.
5 Why neither of you so much as know the colour of the eyes of the other!
6 The tint of the complexion, the nature of the hair, the colour of the eyes , shall be the same.
7 These eyes were of every possible colour , and the light they sent forth was as various as the colour of the eyes .
8 "Hat-pins to match the colour of the eyes are to be very fashionable this year," according to a Trade journal.
Grammar, pronunciation and more
Translations for colour of the eye